Sociology In Movies
The sociology term perspective is defined by the Webster dictionary as the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed. It can also be defined as the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance ("Webster"). We have talked a lot about sociological perspective in class. Everything a person sees in life is seen different by another person, and this is because of our perspective, or point of view. I found a movie that shows and defines this term quite well. This movie is inception.
To create dreams they have a scientist who comes up with serums to put them asleep for specific amounts of times. They have an architect who designs each dream and each layer of the dream. Someone who follows the subject around to observe their friends and family's mannerisms so they can have accurate projections of these people in the dreams. Another team member designs kicks that bring them back from a dream. A kick is simulated by a fall or sudden jolt. Finally, they have several team members to go into the dreams and carry out their plans.
Saito wants this idea planted in Fischer's mind and this can only be done by inception. Inception is a dream, in a dream, within a dream. This is very dangerous because a person can lose sight of reality and what is an illusion or dream. If they travel too far into the layers of the dream they can get lost in limbo. This is also very dangerous because you can be stuck in limbo for years with no way of being able to return to reality, so limbo usually becomes your reality.
This team and architect takes the challenge of going inside of Fischer's dreams to plant this idea. They tamper with Fisher's perspective of reality and a dream. While in one dream Fischer "wakes up" but is actually in another dream. His perspective is that he is in reality but the truth is he is in a dream inside a dream (Inception). This movie is a great example of messing with perspective and how one minor detail can change a person's entire perspective. Perspective is all about your environment, the way you were raised, and what kind of sociological len(s) you have on at that time. While studying people or discussing sociology, perspective is a very important aspect to the way a person thinks or the way a specific group will react to something another society says is normal. Perspective adds to the creation of social behaviors, social barriers, and how societies determine normal and abnormal.
Works Cited
"Encyclopedia Britannica Company." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015.
Inception. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Perf. Leonardo DiCaprio. Warner Bros., 2010. DVD.
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